Company profile

The objects for which the company is established are:

To carry on business as importers, exporters, distributors and general dealers in firearms, ammunition, military and police equipment and anti-riot equipment, antiterrorist equipment and security devices of every description and transportation and storage of mentioned goods as well.
Since 1994 the company has expanded it foreign trade activities. For this purpose the trade representation branch of the company was established in 1994 in Sofia-Bulgaria, which represent the company on Balkan region.
Because of expansion of the demand product range the company established a good business contacts with reliable suppliers from Ukraine, Slovakia and Romania.
The further expansion of the activities of the company came in 1999 with the distribution of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals mainly to export of medicaments of Czech manufacturers worldwide.
In the year 2002 to the list of activities of the enterprise were added the following subjects:

  • Purchase and sales of explosives
  • Purchase and sales of chemical substances and preparation classify as volatile, oxide, extremely flammable, carcinogenic, dangerous for life environment, toxic.

In the year 2006 OZOS Praha obtained registred trademark, trading certificate by czech law 310/2006, certified according to the ISO 9001.